Do You Want To Stay Sustainable as a True Fashion Lover?

So, you love fashion, but you also care about the environment? Well, you're in luck because staying sustainable as a true fashion lover is not only possible but also incredibly trendy! No, I'm not talking about wearing potato sacks or recycled toilet paper dresses (though, that would certainly make a statement). I'm talking about making conscious choices that reduce the negative impact of the fashion industry on our planet. From fast fashion pollution to excessive waste generation, the fashion world has some dirty little secrets. But fear not! In this blog, I'm going to spill the beans on how you can be a fashionista without leaving a trail of fashion waste! So, put on your eco-friendly sunglasses and let's dive in!

The Environmental Impact of Fashion

The Environmental Impact of Fashion Ah, fashion, the glamour, the glitz, the endless cycle of trends that keep us on our toes. But have you ever stopped to think about the not-so-glamorous side of this industry? Brace yourself, dear fashion lover, for I am about to unveil the harsh reality of the environmental impact caused by our obsession with style. Let's start with fast fashion pollution. The production of cheap, disposable clothing has turned our planet into a dumping ground for textile waste. Landfills burst at the seams with clothes that were worn once, maybe twice, and then discarded like yesterday's leftovers. It's a sight that would make even the most fashion-forward cringe. But wait, there's more! Waste generation in the fashion industry is no joke. From cutting-room floor scraps to unsold inventory, mountains of textile waste are piling up faster than you can say "Kardashian collaboration." Our love for the latest trends has turned us into walking talking garbage generators. Oh, and let's not forget about water consumption. Did you know that it takes around 2,700 liters of water to produce a single cotton t-shirt? That's enough to quench the thirst of an entire village! But alas, our thirst for new clothes is never-ending, and so our planet's water resources continue to be drained dry. And if all that wasn't enough, chemical usage in the fashion industry is causing havoc on both the environment and those who work in it. From toxic pesticides used in cotton farming to the dyeing and finishing processes that release harmful substances into our waterways, the fashion industry has become a breeding ground for chemical warfare. So, my fellow fashion enthusiast, it's time to face the music. Our passion for fashion comes at a steep price. But fear not, for in the next section, I shall equip you with the tools to stay sustainable and still slay in style. Stay tuned! (Word count: 251)

Tips for Sustainable Fashion Shopping


Hey there bag enthusiasts! Are you tired of lugging around a bag that just doesn't fit your lifestyle? Well, worry no more! In this blog, we'll guide you through the exciting journey of finding the perfect bag that matches your unique needs and style. Say goodbye to that questionable tote bag you've been rocking since college, and say hello to the bag that will make heads turn in envy. So, buckle up and let's dive into the world of bags made just for you!

Know Your Lifestyle

Know Your Lifestyle Ah, the eternal question: who are you? Are you a student, spending your days buried in textbooks and surviving on instant noodles? Or are you a working professional, climbing the corporate ladder while sipping on fancy lattes? Or maybe, just maybe, you're a world traveler, with a passport that's seen more stamps than a holiday card from your grandma. Your lifestyle plays a pivotal role in finding the perfect bag, my friend. For the student, a bag that can hold textbooks, notebooks, and a secret stash of snacks is essential. A working professional needs a bag that exudes professionalism while effortlessly accommodating a laptop, files, and a survival kit for office gossip. And for the world traveler, a bag that can handle the wear and tear of countless flights, epic adventures, and the occasional stuffed camel souvenir is non-negotiable. So, before you dive into the world of bags, take a moment to reflect on who you really are. Embrace your identity, and let the search for the perfect bag begin!

Bag Types for Different Lifestyles


Self-expression and confidence are highly valued in our fast-paced world, so it is imperative that we pay attention to even the most minor details. The way we dress has a large impact on the way we convey our emotions, and is often overlooked. Our outfits can make a profound impact on how we present ourselves to the world when they are synchronized with our feelings. Dressing according to our mood goes beyond following fashion trends and societal norms. Our clothing is a means of self-expression and an expression of our individuality. As we dress in a way that reflects our emotions, we not only showcase our authentic selves but also create a harmonious connection between our external and internal selves. Imagine waking up feeling adventurous and energetic. When you are excited and enthusiastic, you may instinctively gravitate toward vibrant colours and bold patterns.

 However, if you wake up feeling calm and peaceful, pastels or soothing earth tones might be more appropriate. Coordination of your outfit with your emotions demonstrates a cohesive and confident presence that radiates confidence. Dressing to reflect your emotions, however, requires a deeper understanding of colour psychology. There is no doubt that colours have the power to evoke specific emotions and influence our mindset. As an example, warm colours like red and orange are associated with energy and passion. In contrast, cool colours like blue and green are associated with tranquillity and serenity. It is possible to amplify your emotional expression by choosing colours that align with your emotions. The importance of matching your clothes and mood extends beyond colour coordination; it also extends to your outfit's overall style and aesthetic. 

Spring / summer break ........why is vital to have a cooling off time ......Whatcha Think?

From time to time, we all need a vacation. We all deserve a break from monotony to recharge and maintain our health. Vacations provide a number of benefits and enable us to gain insight into various ways we may enrich our lives. Everyone benefits from rest, relaxation, and recharging. No matter what our jobs mean to us, we must occasionally need to take a break. A better work-life balance means less exhaustion and stress in the office. Taking time away from work to spend time with the people we love is essential to a healthy mental outlook. The importance of unplugging, relaxing, and unwinding without too many distractions cannot be overstated. It is important not just to encourage ourselves, but also to encourage others. 

 We all need to shift our expectations of what our holidays are going to look like for a while. You can create your own kind of 5-star holiday at home by redecorating your space if you want a staycation. Use flowers and candles around the house. Having different colours and scents around makes your at-home staycation holiday different from the normal day to day. If you have a garden turn it into a fun and relaxing place. Having this staycation can be a chance to take a break from everything and pursue your hobbies. You can also plan to do something completely different from your everyday routine, like visiting a place you have never been. watch all your best movies and enjoy !!!!!!!!!!!
 A staycation means saving money on things such as plane tickets and airport transfers, allowing you to enjoy local attractions and activities more while on vacation.

Thanks for reading my blog 

with love from

what to have in mind before embarking on a journey of reinventing yourself.

People have a much more difficult time rebranding themself as opposed to businesses.

We are complex beings, and we do not stand out by having beautiful logos or slogans. our brand is our identity, and it is important to reinvent ourselves if need be. However, a  strategic approach is required. by understanding what is your ultimate goal and the purpose why you are reinventing in the first is  important to convince others that you are serious and also carry them along the process. People will retain a certain image of you quite well if they have been accustomed to it for so long. With reinventing, you have the chance to reach a new target audience. It's easy for people to notice the mission, vision, and values if you communicate them correctly. Changing people's perceptions can not be done by a twinkle of an eye. it has to be a gradual process.

A person's image conveys a powerful message to others, as well as influences how they see themselves. Thus,  we should consider how to dress for success. Your choices in clothing should reflect your confidence in the way you present visually as well as the professional image you are putting forward. In this era of the pandemic, where many people work from home, and face-to-face meetings are often difficult, making a good impression is essential.

There are many factors that contribute to the creation of an image. Your appearance, your voice, your mannerisms, and the way you behave around others say a lot about you. These are all instantly perceived by others. Your images do reveal something about your character. Dressing, speaking, and the way you relate to others.

Boost self-confidence and self-esteem...Dress it like a boss

Related image

At Home Spa: How I make my himalayan pink salt body scrub.


1 cup of fine Pink Himalayan salt: Pink Himalayan salt has been linked to more than a dozen health advantages. It's even been called a superfood or a therapeutic product by others. What is the scientific evidence on the subject? Is it really as amazing as it appears? Pink Himalayan salt is a mineral element that comes from the Khewra mine in Pakistan's Himalayas. It's been increasingly popular in recent years since many people have linked it to a variety of health advantages.
A few even call it "the purest salt on the earth," claiming that it is far better than regular table salt. The body is detoxed. The Himalayan salt not only aids in physical cleansing but also detoxifies our skin.
is a natural exfoliant. The salt exfoliates dead skin cells and aids in removing impurities, dirt, oils, and other impurities from the skin's surface.

A very happy new year everyone.......... #2023

May you be blessed in all you do ......Cheers to a year of uncommon blessings, happiness, good health and abundance Amen.

The important of goal setting .... A good goal is like a strenuous exercise – it makes you stretch. Mary Kay Ash


 As the year draws to a close, it is a worthwhile idea to reflect on the year that just passed. this will enable you to set some goals for months to come. Maintaining focus and organization will be easier when you reflect on what works and what no longer works for you, and set goals accordingly. Staying focused on achievable goals will also prevent consequences such as burnout. Having goals is the key to a successful life, but we tend to lose sight of their importance over time.

Don't let boredom stop you from achieving your goals. It is beneficial and advantageous to work towards a set of goals. Setting goals is essential to changing behaviour, guiding focus, and sustaining momentum in life. In addition to promoting a sense of self-mastery, setting goals can also lead to the alignment of focus. 

It is possible to increase your performance and success by setting goals. Moreover, it can positively influence our mental health as well as our career and personal success.  Our future can be shaped by setting goals, whether we're aiming to improve our intelligence, learn a skill, or restore a relationship. Our transformation is pushed by the process as we grow and expand. when you work toward something it enables you to stay focused and feel fulfilled. By setting goals, you can achieve your dreams, measure your progress, and overcome procrastination. Knowing what you want to attain is crucial to creating a plan to achieve it. Setting goals is what gets you there.

                                                    Thanks for reading

with love from

I am thankful Lord........“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.

Thankfulness is simply being appreciative of something or someone, which comes from the Latin word gratis. We can also describe it as a positive emotion or feeling arising when we receive a blessing or a gift. In many cases, it develops spontaneously, but it can also be tuned into.

The most effective way to understand gratitude is to understand what it is not. Cultivating gratitude does not mean that we should deny hardship or difficult emotions, nor should we try to force it on ourselves. Gratitude can be a state of being that allows us to open up to being attuned to the positive aspects of our present moment.

Why gratitude is so powerful is subject to many different explanations and theories.  The first benefit is that it helps us disentangle ourselves from negative thinking patterns. The more positive emotions we cultivate, the more room we have to flourish.

We can experience more beauty in life when we cultivate gratitude, which is an exceptional skill to hone. There is a multitude of interpretations we can apply to every situation in which we find ourselves. When we try to find the positive in life, we experience deeper contentment. As well as affecting our own well-being, it also impacts our interactions with others, so it is essential both for ourselves and for the greater good of others.

Being grateful isn't complicated or difficult. A special tool or training is not required. Practising gratitude will improve your ability to put yourself in a grateful frame of mind. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Pay attention to what you are experiencing and how you are feeling as you are experiencing it. Take note of your surroundings and consider what helps you cope. How do you manage stress, feel confident about your life, or accomplish what you need to do? What have people done for you? Practising mindfulness can also help you become more aware of the present moment.

  • Try writing down some of the things you are grateful for every day in your gratitude journal. Taking time to reflect on these observations helps when you find it challenging to be grateful.

  • Embrace the moment: Spend time enjoying what is happening right now. Keep your focus on the positive feelings you experienced and allow them to sink in.

  • Feeling grateful can be enhanced by creating rituals of appreciation and gratitude. By practising meditation, prayer, or mantra, you can develop a greater sense of gratitude.

  • Thank you: Being grateful involves recognizing and expressing gratitude for the people, things, moments, skills, and gifts that have brought us joy, peace, and comfort. Appreciate what you have. Whether you are simply appreciative of what you have or you thank someone to show your gratitude, you might take a moment to express your gratitude to them.

Cheers to a lovely and Joyous Christmas everyone ....... Enjoy this magical time of year!

Best wishes for a joyous and peaceful Christmas for you and your family.

 Let this season's excitement continue into the New Year.

I hope this Christmas season brings you closer to all those you love and cherish.

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Defining Your Personal Style in the new year.

Examine your closet. Take a moment to think about the clothes you own that make you happy. How would you describe the items in your closet that you love the most? A person's style evolves and changes according to various lifestyle factors. The key thing is to decide who you want to present to the world, regardless of your age. Finding your colours, defining your body shape, and understanding your body type, the next step is finding your style. 

Find inspiration for your wardrobe. pay attention to how fashion influencers and celebrities dress, from jeans and leggings to blazers and dresses. Getting fashion tips and inspiration from fashion blogs is easy, so look for a couple of fashion bloggers whose style interests you and peruse their archives. For inspiration, find out who a celebrity's stylist is, or how you can emulate that celebrity's style. It's also a wise idea to check out fashion magazines. Understand the different types and identify your favourites.

Fashion mood boards are a helpful way to get inspired. A mood board is a helpful tool for developing your style. Create a mood board based on your fashion inspiration. While you might find that a lot of your models are wearing denim jeans, maxi dresses, or tops with ruffles, there is still an overarching vibe or mood that you want to achieve. Keep these images on your phone so you can check them out when you're shopping.

Invest in a capsule wardrobe. A capsule wardrobe is a collection of essentials that can be mixed and matched for various looks. These classic pieces in neutral colours go with everything: an elegant black dress, a denim jacket, a T-shirt, and a leather tote. Several of these might already be in your closet. Don't replace all of your basics with ones that don't work for you, but keep the ones that make you feel confident.

Give your style a unique twist. Having built your capsule collection, it's time to add pieces to your wardrobe that demonstrate your style and personality. Be prepared to experiment, and remember that it's fine if you change your mind. Creating a personal style means playing with fashion to find out which clothes make you feel the happiest. Start by mixing prints and textures and adding bold accessories.

My Must-have beauty products.

L'Oreal Paris Fine Flowers Toner Dry/Sensitive Skin 400ml

Cucumber Cool Moist Invigorating Face Scrub 150ml 2

Colourful Blazer trend for the office.....A MUST WATCH

Because is a throw back Thursday, Let's drop this here.


At home pampering: pampering yourself can improve your overall health in significant ways.

Pampering yourself is not only a terrific way to recharge and revitalize, but it's also a necessary element of remaining physically and mentally fit. below are my recipe for making at-home pampering very easy. indulge yourself deserve it.

Honey has a number of health benefits for the face. Raw honey is high in components that are good for your skin, especially if you suffer from acne or autoimmune skin disorders like eczema or psoriasis. Applying honey to your skin can even help you control Candida overgrowth.

Egg yolks are also desired because they can help with skin issues like as acne; especially, the retinol content controls oil production in the face, which can clog pores and lead to pimples. Egg yolks can assist to cleanse the skin and prevent acne by removing excess oil.

According to Beverly Hills MD Cosmeceuticals, coffee can also help with chronic dark circles beneath the eyes. This is because coffee's caffeine is known to help dilate blood vessels, which can cause dark circles.

Turmeric offers a variety of skin advantages and is found in a variety of beauty products, including It has anti-inflammatory effects that help to reduce inflammation, discoloration, and blemishes on the skin. It contains antimicrobial characteristics that aid in acne reduction, particularly when combined with other organic products.

Mix ingredients to make a firm paste that will stick to your face. Apply the mask evenly all over your face and under the eyes, Let the mask dry on your face. This means leaving it on for about 20 minutes and then washing it off with cool water. Dry your face gently with a cloth and apply your face moisturizer. 

BEAUTY NOTE : Haute couture fashion week saw different makeup trends emerge

Classic red lipstick has become one of the trendiest lipstick shades of 2022 spring/summer.

Different makeup trends were seen at Haute Couture fashion week
The graphic black liner looks set to be a big trend this spring/summer, from double-wing lines at Chanel to triple wing lines at Giambattista Valli. 

Holographic pastel eyes and lips were seen on the runways of Anna Sui, KNWLS, and Tom Ford. Fresh, delicate shades were used with wet-look finishes.

The most popular lipstick shade in 2022 will be red lipstick, spring and summer will be red lipstick seasons. Using this tone will make you stand out, look bright and sexy. If possible, select lipsticks that have a glossy finish. I hope you enjoyed this article.


Plus size and fabulous: Embrace your beautiful curves with pride and accentuate them.

Plus size body comes in different sizes and shapes. one major thing we have to understand is that all the different shapes and sizes are beautiful and unique in their way. Wearing clothes that make you look fab and stylish might take a bit of courage, however,  over the years I have learned how to style my plus-size body and appreciate the uniqueness of being plus-size. being plus size does not mean you do not have to look stylish. learning the trick to style your body type might be a little bit of help.

My number one rule is don't hide the curves, wear clothes that flatter to create a waistline, use accessories like a statement belt, brooches, or a scarf to create a waistline. If you have a natural waist, draw attention to it. If you don't have much of a waist, it is nothing to worry about, use accessories like a statement belt to cinch in the waist, wear a dress or skirt to show off some leg.

When it comes to styling, high-waisted pants and skirts can be flattering. It allows you to regain control of your waistline while also providing a slight lift. High-waisted jeans are also a winner.
As a plus-size woman, I prefer black attire because it makes me appear slimmer. However, it's critical to add color to our style. Wearing colors that are in tune with your inner vibration can make you feel more energetic, and certain colors can even make you sparkle all day. So let's put the dark colors clothing aside and add some color to our style. Before I felt comfortable wearing colors, I experimented with adding a pop of color, little at a time to my outfit/style to see how it went. hope this helps

with love from

Lemon-Pineapple Punch is a good idea. #photooftheday

STYLE NOTE: Dressing professionally can help form a positive impression to people you meet in the workplace.

  • Being able to portray a positive image of yourself is essential to your career success. A person's appearance, communication style, and body language all play a role in creating an image of them in others' minds. A professional look can help you command respect and attention at work. 

Wearing professional clothing and accessories refers to dressing for the workplace. Typically, professional attire is modest, elegant, well-tailored, and without graphics or images. Clothes should be cleaned, ironed, and free of holes, rips, and stains. Dressing professionally varies with the formality of the work environment. 

Kaia Gerber ruled the runway once again as she attended Valentino's SS19 show during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week

New guard: Kaia Gerber ruled the runway once again as she attended Valentino's SS19 show during Paris Haute Couture Fashion Week on Wednesday eveningThe daughter of supermodel Cindy Crawford took things up a notch in the beauty department as she decorated her lash line in nude-toned feathers, which served as a striking contrast to her dramatic dark eyeliner look.
Kaia toned down her slightly with her raven tresses, which was slicked back into a sleek bun. more photos after the jumpMaking a statement: The rising model, 17, commanded attention as she strutted her stuff at the prestigious event in a heavily-ruffled lime green dress, decked out in sparkling sequins 

#Food: Checkout my spicy beef coconut rice recipe yummy....wink wink


Long-grain  rice
Salt and Maggi to taste
Green peas
Grated carrots
3 tablespoons of butter
Coconut milk
Fish powder 
Fresh hot pepper
Hot curry powder

Spring/Summer Home Decor Trends for 2025: Embrace the Fresh Vibes

With spring and summer just around the corner, it's time to leave behind the cosy winter vibes.   This season's home decor trends em...