A Fake pastor and his accomplice arrested for sodomising boys at a Kitale primary school

Fake pastor, accomplice arrested for sodomising boys at a Kitale-based schoolSodomy suspects Julius Otieno and Felix Ochieng’ handcuffed after they were arrested by police. Photo: Philip Bwayo/TUKO 

Police working with local administrators arrested the duo at their hideout in a slum A man purporting to be a pastor and his accomplice who have been sodomising boys at a primary school on the outskirts of Kitale town were dramatically arrested following a manhunt. The duo who are part of a gang that has been sodomising more than 19 pupils at Grasslands Primary School were arrested following joint efforts by three chiefs who were working on leads by victims.  Julius Otieno, 41, who claims to be a specialist in exorcising demons and Felix Ochieng’, 19, were pounced on by administration police in the crackdown overseen by chiefs Janet Wekesa (Matisi), Charles Namunyu (Municipality) and Isaac Mutirithia (Grasslands). 

source .tuko.co.ke

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