Racer breaks down in police car when he realises he's mowed down and killed jogger, 18... victim's father says: " Our lives have been shattered for a few minutes of reckless fun

William Dorey, an 18-year-old A-level student, went for a run but never made it home. He was mowed down by two joyriders; Joshua Cherukara, 20, and Harry Cable, 18.

Joshua and Harry were racing each other in Whitley Bay, Tyneside, at the same time William was out jogging. Unfortunately, William was struck by a Renault Megane driven by Joshua, who had been racing Harry's Vauxhall Corsa along the coast.

Police arrived the scene and arrested the young men responsible for the accident that killed William. Video footage shows the moment Joshua breaks down in tears in the back of a police car moments after the car crash. He is handcuffed and can be seen mouthing "Oh my God".

Both racers admitted to causing death by dangerous driving and were sent to a young offenders' institution. Joshua was sent for six years and nine months, while Harry got four-and-a-half years. Both will be banned from driving for four years after their release.

William's father, Hugh Dorey, 57, described the moment he came across the aftermath of a car crash, not realising his teenage son's was involved.


He explained that their son had been preparing for his A-Level exams when he decided to go for a run. His parents began to worry when he didn't return and their worry increased when they saw two police cars flashed past their house.

Mrs Gill Dorey asked her husband to go and check on their son and he drove just a few hundred yards from their home when he came upon the scene of the crash. He said he saw a number of police cars but still "half-expected" his son to appear.

Mr Dorey told the Chronicle Live: "At this point I didn't know that in front of me was the scene of my son's fatal accident."

When he told his wife there had been an accident close to their home in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, she joined him at the scene. At the site, police asked them if their son wore glasses and when they said yes, they were put in the back of a police car and the police showed them a pair of glasses and smashed mobile phone that belonged to their son and asked if they recognised them.

Mr Dorey revealed that he said something like "oh Jesus Christ" and his wife recognised the phone as belonging to their son.

He said: "She knew that was the end of her life as she knew it."

They were then taken to identify their son's body at the same hospital he was born in. They immediately realised it was their son and described the 'awful' injuries to his head and face.

Mr Dorey described how his wife threw herself at the door as they left and said that her "baby was dead".

The grieving father asked the killer drivers how they would feel if they were told by police that their child was killed by internal decapitation.

Harry (left), Joshua (right)

The family described how their lives have been shattered for a few minutes of "immature, selfish fun".
Our lives have been shattered. Our loss is immeasurable.

And why? For what? A few minutes of immature, selfish fun. Reckless stupidity at the hands of another. He lost his life in a wholly senseless, random manner.
He only went for a run, not an activity usually associated with the risk of death. Except this time he did not come home. He will never come home.

This is our opportunity to bring home to those responsible what they have done. They have inflicted a terrible wound on our family.

They need to understand the enormity of what they have done, the depth of pain, hurt and anguish they have caused.

For Will's life to end as it did is such a tragic waste.

He had travelled half way around the world, each time returning safely home.

Yet, even though he was on the pavement he was knocked down and killed a few yards from home, just because he went out for exercise and fresh air. How are you to come to terms with that?
He added:
It seems to be a case of immature, arrogant drivers behaving like idiots.
In a statement at the court hearing of William's boy racer killers, the family said their lives would never be the same again. 

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