I am thankful Lord........“True happiness is to enjoy the present, without anxious dependence upon the future.

Thankfulness is simply being appreciative of something or someone, which comes from the Latin word gratis. We can also describe it as a positive emotion or feeling arising when we receive a blessing or a gift. In many cases, it develops spontaneously, but it can also be tuned into.

The most effective way to understand gratitude is to understand what it is not. Cultivating gratitude does not mean that we should deny hardship or difficult emotions, nor should we try to force it on ourselves. Gratitude can be a state of being that allows us to open up to being attuned to the positive aspects of our present moment.

Why gratitude is so powerful is subject to many different explanations and theories.  The first benefit is that it helps us disentangle ourselves from negative thinking patterns. The more positive emotions we cultivate, the more room we have to flourish.

We can experience more beauty in life when we cultivate gratitude, which is an exceptional skill to hone. There is a multitude of interpretations we can apply to every situation in which we find ourselves. When we try to find the positive in life, we experience deeper contentment. As well as affecting our own well-being, it also impacts our interactions with others, so it is essential both for ourselves and for the greater good of others.

Being grateful isn't complicated or difficult. A special tool or training is not required. Practising gratitude will improve your ability to put yourself in a grateful frame of mind. To do this, follow these steps:

  • Pay attention to what you are experiencing and how you are feeling as you are experiencing it. Take note of your surroundings and consider what helps you cope. How do you manage stress, feel confident about your life, or accomplish what you need to do? What have people done for you? Practising mindfulness can also help you become more aware of the present moment.

  • Try writing down some of the things you are grateful for every day in your gratitude journal. Taking time to reflect on these observations helps when you find it challenging to be grateful.

  • Embrace the moment: Spend time enjoying what is happening right now. Keep your focus on the positive feelings you experienced and allow them to sink in.

  • Feeling grateful can be enhanced by creating rituals of appreciation and gratitude. By practising meditation, prayer, or mantra, you can develop a greater sense of gratitude.

  • Thank you: Being grateful involves recognizing and expressing gratitude for the people, things, moments, skills, and gifts that have brought us joy, peace, and comfort. Appreciate what you have. Whether you are simply appreciative of what you have or you thank someone to show your gratitude, you might take a moment to express your gratitude to them.

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